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17 Then Naaman said, As thou wilt; but, I beseech, grant thou to me, thy servant, that I take of this earth the charge of two burdens; for thy servant shall no more make burnt sacrifice, either slain sacrifice, to alien gods (to foreign, or other, gods), no but (only) to the Lord.

18 Forsooth this thing is only (And this thing only), of which thou shalt pray (to) the Lord for thy servant, (that) when my lord shall enter into the temple of Rimmon, that he worship (there), and while he shall lean on mine hand, if I worship in the temple of Rimmon, while he worshippeth in the same place, that the Lord forgive to thy servant, for this thing.

19 And Elisha said to him, Go thou in peace. And so Naaman went from Elisha in a chosen time of the land.

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